30 December 2023

Just Doing The Things - Year Review 2023

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šŸ‘šŸ¾ šŸ‘šŸ¾ Year Review šŸ‘šŸ¾ šŸ‘šŸ¾

This year many of my conversations with friends started like this:

A: Hey bro

Me: How far na?

A: Whatā€™s up now?

Me: Nothing much, just doing the things. What about you?ā€¦


B: heyyy, been a while!

Me: Yup, two days.

B: So what you been up to?

Me: Nothing much tbh, just doing the things. You nko?


C: Any new ideas? Me: Not really

C: New projects? Me: Nah

New new new newā€¦ Nope :D

Iā€™m Just Doing The Thingsā€¦

The things I have to do.


4 Year Review OMG.

It has been a while.

I wrote my last Year Review on December 7th, 2019. What the frick have I been doing since then? Well in 2020 I worked on Bubbl, FoodBae, then Covid happened, and then in 2021 I got a Girlfriend (we broke up), worked on Hapy, and graduated ā€“ thank God! In 2022 started NYSC, did Camp (phew), started Virtual Peers NG with Clems, got a full-time job, and in 2023 finished NYSC, and then got promoted. Thatā€™s it. What a review amirite?? Why did it take me 4 years to write another review? My last post was in early 2022 and itā€™s not like I hadnā€™t had anything to say, ask my friends. I was Doing The Things. Not the things I usually do.

What do I mean by Things I ā€œdoā€; these are creative pursuits. Reading, Writing, Coding, Making, Drawing. These are activities that I refer to when people ask what Iā€™ve been up to. This year, however, I didnā€™t write any posts, or draw anything new, I didnā€™t even have any new startup ideas. I didnā€™t build a new product or discover a new interest. I started reading in January and by March or April, I picked up Don Quixote. Itā€™s a very funny book and I did enjoy reading it but itā€™s long af. So that made it hard to finish till now. I didnā€™t work on any new projects by myself, I tried to start something with a friend but it didnā€™t work out ultimately because I wasnā€™t coding so I had to focus on the operations/planning side and I wasnā€™t doing any of those. Essentially, I wasnā€™t creative.

This year I had to be there for a lot of family affairs, some were pivotal, and I am glad I was there in the moment not absent chasing some goal. That matters to me so I did it. At work, I did my best to stay the line and be as productive as ever, though I didnā€™t have many new ideas to propose I did all the work I was assigned and then some. That matters, and I did it. As for relationships, this year was particularly interesting because I took a more active role in my platonic and romantic relationships, I made the effort! That matters, and I did it this year. I even started gyming this year! Honestly has been a great year. But because these things arenā€™t necessarily creative they felt like routine. Couldnā€™t I have done all those things and still read more, made more, and thought more? I canā€™t say I was too busy with Life that I couldnā€™t be creative, people dey run am. So what happened?


Omg was I lazy this year! When the year started I had the intention to continue the good from 2022. 2023 was for consolidation but I nor do anything. This year I watched more Netflix than Iā€™ve ever watched in my life. Iā€™m trying to remember how I convinced myself to do this. You see, I felt I had ā€œhustledā€ enough the year before, so I thought let me relax small. Guy, it was something like, ā€œIā€™m missing out on lifeā€ and all that. So I abandoned everything and started missing out on goals šŸ˜­. I started by watching Breaking Bad. Chai, I was hooked o. You know, I have a list of Series I want to watch and BB is at the top cause I always heard it was good, blah blah, best series ever, etc. I enjoyed it and could see the cultural impact, but it was not life-changing. I was neglecting actual work to watch Walter White shout at Jessie Pinkman. Iā€™ll be catching up on the show during breaks.

My Netflix habits went downhill from there. I became itchy, and I was looking for something else to watch that could scratch that itch. I was DOPAMINED dunh dunh dunhhh. I started trying out shows. I was spending time just looking for something to watch, Ahhhh. What had I become? This took a lot of my time and I wish I didnā€™t spend more time on it. I was entertained because I re-watched Avatar (saw some episodes I missed when younger), watched some Bojack Horseman and Community (this is my favorite thing on TV right now but havenā€™t continued since). In the end, there was no time.

No time?

I ask because did I really not have enough time? Honestly, I think so. I never went to the gym last year, nor was I going out like I did this year so I used up a lot of the free time I previously had. And of course, the binge-watching Netflix sucked a ton. But at the same timeee, my time management was popo. Wtf. I was just easily distracted mehn :(. Was difficult to do deep work and get into flow states which affected my creativity. And I noticed I was getting sleepier this year lool. Like I actually started taking afternoon naps like an old person šŸ˜­. I had the worst kind of distractions too. This year I was constantly on Reddit if I wasnā€™t working. Other years it was YouTube or Twitter or Techcrunch/Techpoint but this year it was Reddit and TheVerge apparently. And it wasnā€™t all useless scrolling, but it was still another dopamine addiction. Thankfully, I recognized this, albeit late, and uninstalled it. I only use Reddit via the web for now. Any sniff of free time I had Iā€™d uncontrollably open Reddit or open theverge.com to see what the latest thing was. Itā€™s not like before when I was always on Hackernews and at least gained something. See, I read TheVerge for the comments, before it was ArsTechnica but it became TheVerge because I found the constant Elon-bashing both in articles and in the comments entertaining (note: Iā€™m not for or against the bashing lol).

Too many TODOs in the backlog

Aside from active distractions and time-wasters, there were mental stumbling blocks. Like an overfull backlog of things to do. I guess I became overwhelmed. This is my first post this year but Iā€™ve had multiple drafts of posts for months and years. Not finishing the previous ones made it harder to start new ones. It was probably the same for projects. I have a long list of projects that are just not done. Iā€™m still working on FSPro but itā€™s been on pause for a while, can I really start something new when Iā€™m not done with the old? And by done I donā€™t mean 100% but like done to the point of public consumption/use. My brother and I still play with FSPro cuz we understand how to use it. But no one else can use it. I have in total probably more than 300 tabs across all browsers that Iā€™m ā€œsaving for laterā€. But each day I get on the internet something new catches my eye and I add it to the backlog of things to read or check. Omo, itā€™s crazy. Iā€™m not getting anywhere with this. What do I do?

If I want 2024 to be different I have to be intentional about some things:

  • Break down tasks! Weā€™ve talked about this Emmanuel šŸ˜­. You donā€™t need motivation if you break down tasks into smaller pieces. This post couldā€™ve been easier to write if I broke it down. But Iā€™m writing most of it in one sitting, 2 days before New Yearā€™s šŸ¤”. Thereā€™s a place for flow but doing things like this means other tasks suffer and pile up. Just break em down!
  • Be disciplined. (duhhhh)
  • Rest well. When itā€™s time to sleep Emma, actually sleep so you can get up early and not be groggy nodding all over the place.
  • Remind yourself of the over-arching goal. Weā€™re doing all of this for a reason, please and please donā€™t let time just float by.
  • Remember that nothing happens until something happens. I have to make something happen.
  • Make creative exploration a routine. I like following rabbit holes, going on tangents, and ā€œstumbling uponā€ stuff when Iā€™m reading or working on something but doing that too much means my time has no meaning. Instead, Iā€™ll carve out time to do the wandering.

To wrap up, Iā€™m glad I was at least Doing The Things this year, I went to Church and fellowship much more often ā€“ I think 99% of the time, last year sometimes Iā€™d stay in because I was working on something. Thereā€™s a period for that I guess. If youā€™ve known me long enough you might have heard me talk about ā€œBig Days and Small Daysā€ (TODO: Write a complete post!). In brief, Small Days are similar to planting season, nothing exciting is happening but youā€™re getting ready for something big. Big Days are when you reap the fruits either with a harvest or a huge sale. 2023 was a period of Small Days, I was investing in the people most important to me while forming new connections. I think weā€™re all due for Big Days ahead.

Happy New Year, see you in 2024

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